Rok 2013 bol v mojom živote vo viacerých aspektech prelomový. Zalomil som život študenta a malomestského grafika. Teraz zalamujem, kreslím a dizajnujem v reklamnej agentúre, ktorá mi za 2 týždne dala viac ako pol roka školy. Ľudia v agentúre, ktorých som tu spoznal sú úplne epickí, užasní. Tento rok sa mi poštastilo a podarilo navštíviť niekoľko zaujímavých krajín, vďaka čomu som zistil, že svet je naozaj krásny a ľudia sú super V pracovnom živote boli, samozrejme, aj projekty, ktoré sa nie celkom podarili…proste sa posrali, ale vôbec ich neľutujem. Vnímam ich ako investíciu (či už peňazí alebo času) do vzdelania, do know-how, ktoré sa vo väčšine prípadoch dá naučiť iba metódou pokus-omyl. Osobne som rád, že dizajn smeruje do minimalizmu. Zjednodušovanie vo všetkých smeroch, responzívne stránky, „hipsterský“ štýl, jemné, nie tak saturované, nazval by som ich, „vyprané“ farby, a samozrejme, už celkom spopularizovaný flat design.
The year 2013 was in my life in a more aspektech breakthrough. I wrapped the life of a student and malomestského graphics. Now, I am drawing a zalamujem and dizajnujem in an advertising agency, which I gave 2 weeks more than half a year for the school. The people at the Agency, which I met here are completely epickí, užasní. This year I was able to visit a number of interesting and poštastilo countries, so I found out that the world is really beautiful and the people are super in working life were, of course, as well as projects that are not quite successful ... just a posrali, but I don't regret them at all. I perceive them as an investment (whether of money or time) into education, to know-how, which in most cases can be learned only by trial an error. Personally, I'm glad to see that the design is minimalism. Simplification in all directions, the responzívne site, "hipsterský" style, fine, not as saturated, I would call them "washed" in color, and, of course, already quite popularized flat design.

2013 marked my life in many aspects of a breakthrough. I wrapped the student life and small-town graphics. Now wrap, draw and design an advertising agency to me for two weeks gave more than half a year of school. People in the agency, which I know there are quite epic, amazing. This year I was fortunate and was able to visit several interesting countries, thus I discovered that the world is really beautiful and the people are super in working life were, of course, projects that are not quite managed ... just messed up, but I do not regret them at all . I see them as an investment (whether of money or time) in education, in know-how, which in most cases can be learned only through trial and error. Personally, I like the design heads into minimalism. Simplification in all directions, responsive site, "hipsterský" style, subtle, not so saturated, I would call them "washed" colors, and of course, already quite popularized flat design.