Vážení Jan Kulich,
Prajem vám dobrý deň!
Tu vám predstavil značku Roadclaw štítok EÚ vzory s pneumatikami od 12"- 24" v PKO, JHP, SUV, MT, HT, AT, LT polia pre viac ako 200 veľkostí.
Pls, neváhajte a kontaktujte ma, ak sú zúčastnenými!
Vážení Jan Kulich, Prajem vám pekný deň! Tu si vám predstaviť značku Roadclaw EÚ-Label vzory s pneumatikami od 12 "-24" v PCR, UHP, SUV, MT, HT, AT, LT pole pre viac ako 200 veľkostí. Pls pocit kontaktujte ma prípade záujmu!
Dear Jan, A KulichI wish you a good day!Here to introduce you to brand the EU label designs with Roadclaw tyres from 12 "-24" in the PKO, UHP, SUV, MT, HT, AT, LT fields for more than 200 sizes.Pls feel free to contact me if you are interested!Dear Jan Kulich, I wish you a nice day! Here we introduce you to brand Roadclaw the EU-Label designs with the tires from 12 "-24" in the PCR, UHP, SUV, MT, HT, AT, LT for more than 200 field sizes. Pls feel free to contact me if you are interested!

Dear Jan Kulich, I wish you a good day! Here you introduce the brand Roadclaw label EU patterns with tires from 12 "- 24" in PKO, UHP, SUV, MT, HT, AT, LT fields for more than 200 sizes. Pls feel free to contact me if you are interested! Dear Jan Kulich, Have a nice day! You can imagine the brand Roadclaw EU-Label designs with tires from 12 "-24" in PCR, UHP, SUV, MT, HT, AT, LT field for more than 200 sizes. Pls feel to contact me if interested!